1300 young people have participated in STEAM Network Orientation Meetings
2024/11/07 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

1300 young people from 32 schools have participated in the STEAM Sare career guidance meetings organized by the Department of Education in collaboration with Innobasque. During the month of October 9 meetings were held at the following locations: In the Álava and Bizkaia campuses of the UPV/EHU, in the headquarters of the University of Deusto in Bilbao and Donostia, in the headquarters of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in the headquarters of HETEL in Somorba, in the headquarters of Ikaslan in the CIFF.
ESO’s young people 4.mailako have known the STEM professions at the hand of professionals working in the área.Han involved 225 professionals.
The meetings have lasted about 15 minutes and have lasted throughout the day. In them, young people have met in groups and have had a talk with a professional. They have had the opportunity to ask questions about their day-to-day lives and to clear up any doubts that may arise for them in the future. Over time, another professional STEM has come to your team.
The aim of these meetings is, on the one hand, to help young people in the choice of studies and professions, showing the diversity of the STEM professions and offering direct contact with professionals; and, on the other hand, to promote vocations and professional aspirations in these areas, especially among girls.
Elhuyar joins this objective and participated as a dynamism in the day.

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