Scientific-technological forecasts for 2025
2025/01/08 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

By 2025, a hundred years have passed since the first bases of quantum mechanics were proposed. On the occasion of this event, UNESCO has declared the International Year of Quantum Sciences and Technologies to socialize the importance of quantum theory and the technologies derived from it. In addition, the International Year for the Conservation of Glaciers is celebrated and the International Day of Glaciers is celebrated on 21 March. It is a question of alerting the loss of glaciers, making the effects of climate change visible and strengthening research in this area. In this way, a number of initiatives will be developed around these areas, which will be echoed in the coming months.
In addition to UNESCO, other institutions have also made forecasts for 2025, and the United Nations has mentioned five challenges related to the climate emergency: maintaining the global 1.5°C limit from the pre-industrial age, nature care, funding, justice and plastic pollution.
These objectives coincide with the predictions made by the scientific journals Nature and Science. Both have mentioned the climate and plastics and the need to deal with the problems associated with them. It is clear that science and technology will not be sufficient to provide a solution, but that work will also need to be done on the socio-political side. However, several research groups are working on these issues around the world and the results will be collected throughout the year.
In human health, Nature and Science show a similar attitude. Both have expressed concern about the H5N1 avian influenza virus (new therefore) and have called for T-baztanga and dengue threats to be taken into account. In short, they have called for the need to strengthen strategies for dealing with pandemics. In terms of Malaria, they have shown hope, as this year the WHO 2021-2025 malaria eradication plan ends.
New avenues open through advanced therapies and artificial intelligence will also be addressed in 2025. Clinical sessions of therapies based on CRISPR or messenger RNA are underway, clinical trials of weight loss drugs and brain-computer interfaces.
Physics will also give a lot to talk about, both the physics of particles and astrophysics. For example, Vera C. Rubin Behstrategy starts working with the most detailed images of the visible sky of the southern hemisphere. Researchers from around the world will analyse the data generated by the observatory. As for cosmology, dark energy will continue to provoke the debate. And in astronautics, several missions are planned for the coming months. Some have already been deferred by 2026, like NASA Artemis II.
In conclusion, Nature and Science have also mentioned a name of their own, the same: Donald Trump. In particular, it may have a lot to do with the areas, studies and objectives mentioned above and, according to the newspapers, it will not be for the better.

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