5,500 boys and girls have participated in the science and technology activities offered by Elhuyar in the Christmas Playground
2025/01/08 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

Over 5,500 boys and girls have participated in the science and technology workshops, Gincanas and shows that Elhuyar has taught at BEC’s Christmas Playground. Between 14 December and 5 January, the actions have been carried out on the txoko called STEAM gunea, and have been carried out with the collaboration of the Basque Government in the STEAM area Euskadi and Innobasque.
The main objective of the workshops has been to foster interest in science and technology through dynamic and practical experiences, as well as to enhance critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and teamwork. In addition, ten women researchers have been in charge of guiding the workshops and shows of the fair.
There have been different ways of participating: individual, friends or family. Approximately 2,000 children, one in three, have held family workshops, which has a positive impact on the scientific capital of children.
The activities that children and families liked the most were the analysis of samples through the microscope, the realization of holographic pyramids, the manufacture with thermopolymers and the performance of activities related to electricity. The scientific shows have also been very successful and many have been boiled with the vacuum pump and the experiments related to chemistry.
Elhuyar has been offering these kinds of science and technology workshops for years. In some localities they are carried out within the Bizilabe monitoring programme, but separate workshops can also be carried out. To hire them, write to j.aldasoro@elhuyar.eus.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia