9. Transmitting the values of nature: regulation of life, well-being, care, responsibility, prosperity, custody of the territory…
2023/06/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

It is important to convey the value that nature offers to the whole human being, so that it does not remain in a purely economic perspective. Science distinguishes three planes:
Instrumental values. Nature, in addition to supplying food, water and energy, regulates the general processes of life: the climate, the breakdown of matter, pollination, the cleaning of the atmosphere… With all this, nature is the life insurance of the planet and of humanity and, more specifically, biodiversity. It provides stability and security to our species. Therefore, to the extent that biodiversity is threatened, the survival of our species is also at stake.
Intrinsic values. Nature has an intrinsic ecological value and it is only because of its existence that we should take care of it. Moreover, we have a responsibility to keep what we use in good condition.
Relationship values. Because we are nurtured and satisfied with relationships with other people, we are also fed by the relationships that bind us to nature. Care is one of them. Caring and receiving is important for a full life. Just like when we're cared for, when we care for other people, we also benefit, because we feel good. It's also a two-way relationship in the case of nature. Indigenous peoples have it very internalized: If you care for Mother Earth, Mother Earth will restore your well-being. We had it very internalized in the northern hemisphere.
On the other hand, we are also pleased with the prosperity of nature: seeing plants germinate and flourish in spring, noticing life everywhere, harvesting and feeling the general prosperity of nature strengthens us.
More and more scientific evidence shows that contact with nature is essential for physical and mental health and that, as it is lost, the diseases we develop as species increase. Science is becoming aware that the disconnection of Western society with nature leads to a loss of well-being. Psychological problems such as depression and other psychological disorders appear.
But there's another strong relational value, the custody of the territory. It is up to us to give the following the territory that our ancestors left in good condition.

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