The Elhuyar 2025 Science Fair starts
2024/10/11 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

The registration period for participation in the Zientzia Azoka in Elhuyar is open. People interested in participating in the fair must register via the website. In the 2025 edition, as in the other editions, students will receive the help of researchers to develop their projects.
Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka is an initiative of scientific projects developed by young people between 12 and 18 years of age, which allows living scientific research and technological development from within, and in which young people from the ESO and Bachillerato can participate from all educational centers in the Basque Country. Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka is also a project to promote the use of Euskera.
To help young people and who have close references to the professional world of STEM, Elhuyar has brought together a large team of researchers from the Basque Science and Technology Network so that they can be young people’s consultants. In fact, more than 200 researchers sign up each year - about 56% of women - to be consultants for young people and the deadline is still open.
Students will work as a team on issues they decide themselves: asking, researching, designing, building, sharing and experiencing new experiences. They will meet real professionals, share adventures and experiences with them and accompany them in the development of their projects.
The result of the work will be a STEAM project in Basque, which will be available first hand in May at the central event of the Zientzia Azoka in Elhuyar (Arenal Pier of Bilbao).
Trade Shows in Gipuzkoa and Navarra
In addition to Bilbao, young people will be able to present their projects locally. Elhuyar aims to create the Zientzia Azoka network, and this is the 2025 calendar:
- Pamplona, 5 April: Young people from educational centers in Navarra. With the collaboration of NICDO and the Planetarium of Pamplona.
- Usurbil, 9 May: Young people from schools in Gipuzkoa. In cooperation with the City Council of Usurbil.
- Bilbao, 21-24 May: Young people from schools throughout the Basque Country. In collaboration with the City Council of Bilbao.
The details of the Zientzia Azoka in Elhuyar, the conditions for participating in it and the registration form are available on the website of Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka.
13 years of research
The 2025 Elhuyar Science Fair is 13 years old. Since the first edition was held in 2013, more than 9,000 young people have participated in the Zientzia Azoka in Elhuyar, 52% girls and 47% boys and 1% non-binary. A total of 2,500 research or technological projects have been carried out.
Over 800 young people presented over 200 STEM projects at the Bilbao fair in the last edition of the Elhuyar Science Fair held in Bilbao in May 2024. In addition to young people from schools in Euskal Herria, they were also awarded at national and international fairs. During the course 2024-2025, the winning groups at the Elhuyar Science Fair will visit national and international fairs. In addition, rooms were drawn to visit research centers in the Basque Country. These visits allow young people to know the daily life of science and technology professionals and to be with real referents.
Sponsors of Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka: Basque Government, FECYT-Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universities, Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Gobierno de Navarra, Ayuntamiento de Usurbil y Erabi.

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia