
Termites have strength in the mouth

2009/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Termites have strength in the mouth
01/01/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: STRI)

Termes panamensis termita is the fastest assaulting animal with gag. The termites move the gag at 70 meters per second. The new neurobiology laboratory of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute measured this speed during the study of the behavior of these termites in a study that aims to know the evolution of brain miniaturization. He surprised the scientists, who did not believe they were moving so fast.

They have not seen at first sight the attack of termite, which is faster than the human eye can perceive, like the movements of many insects. Therefore, scientists should use high-speed cameras to investigate.

When analyzing the images taken, they were able to verify that the jaws are obtained with sufficient deformation so that the termites reach such a high speed. Until the moment of the bite, the jaws are tightened together, ready for attack.

These quick bites are a very effective protection mechanism for termites. For animals so small and light it is not easy to be able to harm them and, to achieve this, they must necessarily be based on high speed.

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