Elhuyar's new documentary aims to highlight the global problem of antibiotic resistance
2023/09/06 Elhuyar Zientzia

The antibiotic crisis is a crisis that affects the entire planet and can compromise the foundations of medicine. Bacterial infections resistant to all antibiotics are becoming more frequent and alternatives are not easy to find. A common infection can become a serious problem without antibiotic tools. The rugged documentary includes testimonies from researchers, doctors and veterinarians from different areas, as well as people who have suffered from the problem of resistant bacteria. Here you can see the trailer.
The objective of the documentary is to reflect on this growing crisis. Superbugs will turn infectious diseases into serious health problems. According to experts, the problem will be more serious than that caused by SARS-COV-2, as modern medicine needs antibiotics for almost everything and is no longer effective. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050 superbugs will spread around the world and cause more deaths than cancers.
The director and screenwriter of the documentary Resistor is the journalist of Elhuyar Bego Zubia Gallastegi. “The testimony of those who have managed to overcome the infection will shock us and, at the same time, we will bear the serious consequences of the increase in resistant bacteria. This will help us deal with the problem.” With these words the director summarizes the core of the documentary Resistor. “The documentary shows that part of the solution is in everyone’s hands.”
It is a serious and global problem, but experts are looking for a solution. Proof of this are the researchers and professionals who have participated in the documentary: Lucía Gallego Andrés, member of PRAN and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine at UPV; Itziar Alkorta Calvo, professor at the Faculty of Sciences at UPV and PhD in Chemistry; Pilar Domingo Calap, researcher and pioneer at Phage Therapy; María Neñira González, Director of Animal Health at Zalestana With all of them, the camera has entered laboratories, rural houses, purifiers, rivers and hospitals, because resistant bacteria are everywhere.
The documentary has been made in Basque and will be made in other languages. The technical sheet and other details are available on the website of Elhuyar.The documentary has been carried out in collaboration with the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Innovation) and the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government, and with the participation of EITB. He has also participated in the Audiovisual Project LAB project of the Audiovisual Producers Association APIKA.

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