
Ancient civilizations facing drought

2007/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ancient civilizations facing drought
01/03/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Wikimedia Foundation)

The Chinese Tang dynasty, one of the main dynasties of Chinese civilization, and contemporary Mexican Mayan society. H. H. C. C. VIII. Its rise occurred in the mid-twentieth century, and in some decades there was a decline and the disappearance of both. A new theory states that one of the causes of decadence may be one of the droughts that occurred in the tropics of the northern hemisphere around the world.

Researchers from the Centre for Geoscience Studies in Germany have seen the VIII. and IX. For centuries the summer monsoon rains in China were less frequent than conventional rains, and in Mexico the rain was also lower. They suspect they were due to a global phenomenon. It is possible that during this period the intertropical zone of convergence that causes rain in the tropics has shifted to the south, which causes the scarcity of rains in these territories.

However, the drought was not the only incidence of these two civilizations, but they also had other social problems. According to the researchers, both societies were overcrowded, that is, taking into account the resources of the environment, too many people lived. In fact, the drought only aggravated the problems.

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