
The color of wine has to do with quality

2008/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The color of wine has to do with quality
01/01/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: University of Navarra)

The researcher at the University of Navarra, Irene Esparza Catalán, has verified in her doctoral thesis the direct relationship between the color of wine and the parameters representative of its quality.

He analyzed the CIELAB parameters (the CIELAB parameters are more precise than those currently used to measure the colors of the wines) and found that these parameters interact directly with the phenolic compounds of the wine. That is, with quality. The researchers had the impression of this interaction, but it had not yet been empirically verified.

From this discovery, the researcher proposes a simple mathematical equation to predict the antioxidant activity of wine. This mathematical equation is based on the CIELAB parameters, luminosity indicators and red color. It may be a very interesting equation for the usual color studies in wineries.

Research has focused on the analysis of anthocyanins. These compounds give red color to red wine. Consequently, the new doctor proposes a formula that relates several substances. This formula will help define the variety and geographical origin of the grape. Thus, it will help to control possible fraud and identify wines with Designation of Origin of Navarra.

In addition, to avoid the turbidity of wines, he has conducted a study of the main metals present in several wines: iron, copper, manganese and zinc. He has seen that the amounts of iron and copper are considerably reduced in fermentation. This is important considering that both compounds can disturb the wine. In this sense, he has implemented an electrochemical methodology to predict the loss of copper from wine. This technique will help investigate the relationship between metals and wine quality and will allow you to confirm whether the wine is not yet fully developed or ready to drink.

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