Proteins in the muscle that encourage physical exercise have been identified
2024/08/26 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Between the muscle and the brain, a pathway has been found that encourages further physical exercise. The research was carried out in mice and people, under the direction of the Spanish oncological research center CNIO (Spain). As the researchers have explained, during exercise, the muscle produces two proteins that stimulate the desire to continue, p38α and p38α.
They have also determined that these two proteins regulate each other, and that p38yordic protein produces another protein: interleukin 15 or the last IL-15.Este protein directly affects the brain, specifically in the area that controls movement. With training, more p38fO is produced, which probably perpetuates the desire to exercise.
In obese animals on a high-fat diet, continued physical exercise had benefits: it improved metabolism and decreased the tendency to diabetes and fat accumulation, especially in the liver. In people, the most active muscles during exercise have shown that p38 proteins are formed and IL-15 protein is increased. It has also been observed that people considered obese have a low level of IL-15 protein in the blood.
Researchers have suggested that this pathway or these proteins can help people with metabolic problems or obesity exercise.

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