
Looking ahead… The wind doesn’t work just at summits

1998/07/01 Etxaide, Maider | Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the market it is not yet a reality, but in the Basque Country there are those who study obtaining wind energy in another way. Compared to wind turbines that start to be conventional for the eyes, the system has two big differences: on the one hand, and when moving with low wind speeds, the possibility of situating itself not only in the summits of the mountains but in the valleys, and on the other hand, the investment necessary for the construction is low.

Starting to describe the shape of the system, two columns of sufficient length will be placed first. Attached to each column, three fixed pulleys and a small turbine. Steel wire from one column to the pulleys from the other column, and all arms tied to the cable. When the wind sounds, the arms move and the energy generated is collected. Therefore, the system is based on the system surface rather than the wind speed.

In fact, the system is not new, since the energy obtained by translation is old. For some reason, nobody has made the idea profitable to date, but now the system is willing to market it. The idea is developed by the company Enerlim, located in the technological park of Zamudio. However, this company does not make the assemblies. Research assembly technology for the production of other companies. At the moment we are working on the research and development of renewable energies, with the intention of entering the market once. Although they were very close last year, they have not yet had the opportunity to take advantage of the system in reality. The essay took place in Urnieta. An assembly project of 120 meters of surface was developed that would generate 600 kW and that would cover the needs of the street lighting of Urnieta. For reasons beyond the system, everything was cancelled.

If such energy systems were to move forward, the picture would change a lot. Until now, capital has always had the control and key to all energies, including renewables, that is, the billions needed to build a wind farm can only be investment groups forever. However, if such systems were developed, any municipality would be able to make an investment that generates enough energy for it.

Because this system is based on the surface, it can also be installed in low wind areas, and at higher surface lower energy cost. It has a great visual impact, but from there few obstacles: it emits little noise, circulates at low speed, can be placed in the holes of the valley…

Unfortunately, the Basque Country will not be a pioneer, because development projects are being carried out outside our borders, in Catalonia and Burgos.

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