
New material to heal superficial wounds

2006/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

New material to heal superficial wounds
01/09/2006 | Elhuyar
Surface cells (in blue) grow on the support (in red). Image taken in the microscope.
(Photo: Sheffield University/EPSRC)

At Sheffield University they have devised a novel soluble support to regenerate damaged skin. It is a support that has been created from special polymers and will serve to treat, among other things, burns and ulcers.

The new support is similar to muslin paper, but contains 100 times thinner fibers than it. On the other hand, for the use of the support is worked in two phases. First, the patient's surface cells are extracted and supported by biopsy. The cells stick themselves to the support and reproduce there. The support is then placed on the wound and spontaneously melted after six or eight weeks. During this time, cells proliferated by biopsy heal the wound.

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