
He has finally died

1996/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

With the new year we lost an animal species. At least one or we know it. From the London Zoo it has been announced that the last specimen of the turgid Partula species, of the snail species, died in early January.

Zoo workers found it quite difficult to realize the death of the snail, which in recent days had not moved at all, but in fact our friend was quite slow. To be more precise, among the known snails, the Partula turgida was the slower: it used to travel 60 cm a year.

As has been said from London, this snail species had its origin in Polynesia and was in danger of extinction for about 20 years. Therefore, the last London specimen has been preserved within special protection programs, but unfortunately the effort has failed to ensure the survival of the species. One less.

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