
Antibacterial light

1996/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Based on the techniques frequently used by dentists, scientists believe that laser exposure can hinder the functioning of certain bacteria.

It will soon be a way to solve a serious problem that often appears in hospitals. How to eliminate bacteria that easily dominate the most effective antibiotics? Researchers believe that the answer to this question is based on the use of laser, due to the failure of existing pathways. Relying on this, they have conducted laboratory tests against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and it seems that they have been successful to the top.

Analyzing the behavior of the bacteria, the firmness of the bacteria against antibiotics was discovered. In the belief that the technique of frequent use by dentists could be used in these tasks, they came up with high-temperature treatments. It has been observed that a short laser exposure, although the bacteria themselves are not exhausted, interferes with the normal functioning of the bacteria.

And for what? To prevent infections. They also claim that a fruitful path to cancer is opening up, although all that has been done so far is a hope.

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