Forests on fire: is there a solution?
1987/04/01 Tapia, Xipitri Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If it is a state with many fires, Spain is the best example. Every year thousands of hectares are burned and the burned area is expanding year after year. In the table we present the data of the last twenty-five years. The conclusions that can be drawn are really worrying.
While it is said that a cigar is poxpolu or poxpolu or that peasants burn to clean the land, 70% no one knows what has happened at first.
Therefore, along with propaganda campaigns asking us to attend, researchers have broken other paths.

Research is aimed at strengthening the self-defense of the forest, that is, that nature is able to fight the fire after the fire and without the participation of men. The buttresses are well known in our mountains and are suitable in some cases. However, researchers have realized that one of the most powerful causes driving the fire is the "dirt" formed by brambles and bonfires. This "dirt" has grown over the years, as before there were more abundant livestock salaries and weeds and weeds were removed. On the contrary, due to the fall of existing balances today, scrubs and herbs have predominated in the mountains, increasing the risk of fire.
To escape the cleaning of forests and forests, it is intended to promote two ways. On the one hand, we have the livestock balances. In them, goats are the main "thinners" and therefore lead groups of goats to several forests at risk of fire. Herds also help keep the forest pavements clean. In order for the influence of these livestock balances to be desired, it is necessary to know well the ecosystem of the area to be experienced.
On the other hand, fire is one of the main defenders of the mountains. But how is it possible?

It may surprise the use of fire fire, but it seems that fire control is favorable. Some research centers have broken this path by measuring the flammability of each tree species. Thanks to this, we know that Aleppo pine is, for example, one of the weakest to fire.
The characteristics of each zone will determine the place, the moment and the way in which controlled fires should be performed. It is clear that when the earth is very dry and windy, controlled fire cannot be made. Therefore, such actions are carried out around winter. Although it has not been said so far, with controlled fire are eliminated scrubs, spikes and dried herbs and the soil is enriched.

In short, fires will always occur, but if previous minimum measures are taken, the risk of possible damage will be greatly reduced.
Approaching the Basque Country and reading the fire reports, two notes must be cited.
On the one hand, most of the fires have occurred in the place where the pine tree is located, known as "pinus insignis". And on the other hand, that in some places, like Aralar, there have long been no news of the fires. Moreover, in the area of the beech it is difficult to have news of instincts. Therefore, in terms of fires in Euskal Herria it would not be difficult to choose the tree species, right?

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