
More reliable diagnoses of pulmonary fibrosis

2005/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

More reliable diagnoses of pulmonary fibrosis
01/12/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: archive)

More than two hundred alterations cause an increase in lung fibers. In these diseases, collagenic tissue accumulates uncontrollably in the lungs, causing fibrosis. This makes breathing difficult and oxygen does not reach the blood properly.

In order to improve the diagnosis of these diseases, the Public University of Navarra has investigated two lung proteins: fibronectin and tenasquinine.

Fibronectin increases in severe and chronic lung diseases and is one of the basic components of stable fiber accumulation along with collagen. Tenacin, on the other hand, appears in the early stages of these lung diseases and decreases when fibrosis stabilizes. In addition, it does not participate in structures.

Therefore, the measurement of fibronectin and tenascin levels together with conventional studies allows a more accurate diagnosis of lung diseases that cause an increase in fibers. For example, if tensin is detected, it means that the lesion is active, so treatment may be more effective in these cases than in cases where the disease has become chronic.

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