
Search for life in galaxies

1999/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Astronomers, in view of the number of planets outside the solar system (until today 18), have begun statistical studies.

Guillermo González's team at the University of Washington has found that most stars on the planet have a concentration of heavier elements than helium. The concentration of these elements, which astronomers call metal, is between two and four times greater than the concentration of the Sun.

The conclusion that researchers have drawn is that these planets, always giant, have formed around the aforementioned stars. But the most metallic stars are in the center of the milky way.

On the
other hand, considering that a large proportion of heavy elements would be the opposite to create life, American astronomers have set the "living area" in a ring located in the center of the galaxy.

Other theorems are based on half of these new and giant planets being very close to their stars. But the stars are very metallic. "Perhaps the reason for being so close is to go to the star to form giant planets. Stars that could conquer small rocky planets to touch stars. The scarce matter of the planets would disperse into the star by fixing an excessive amount of metals on the surface and falsifying its nature. 1.

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