
Taking care of the health of the rivers of Bizkaia

2006/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Taking care of the health of the rivers of Bizkaia
01/01/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Provincial Council of Bizkaia)

The rate of oxygenation of rivers has been growing as water treatment plants are installed in Bizkaia. Now, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia takes another step in improving the ecological quality of the rivers. On the one hand, an inventory has been made of the barriers that prevent the passage of fish through the river and will proceed to its elimination. On the other hand, an environmental restoration plan for rivers will be launched.

Within the framework of this Plan, 74 sections of rivers of Bizkaia have been analyzed, depending on which has been decided what to do in each case to restore the environment. In this way, sometimes rivers will be cleaned, in others to improve habitats, etc. In addition, in order to facilitate the public the enjoyment of the river environment, will proceed to the cleaning and restoration of roads, bridges and elements of the historical heritage. With all this, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia aims to improve and care for the health of rivers.

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