
The theory of evolution in uncertainty

1998/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The question “Where do we come from?” promises to have new answers in the future, according to the prestigious biologist Lynn Margulis. Margulis has questioned or questioned Darwin's theory of evolution by giving new answers to this initial question.

Darwin pointed out that evolution is due to random genetic mutations, which over time have managed to endure to the detriment of other species adapted to the new conditions and circumstances. Evidently, this theory is fully accepted today... or at least so we thought.

According to Margulis, however, evolution is due to the symbiosis between bacteria and microorganisms, so he would have nothing to see that it was stronger, as he believes the new theory about cell origin proves. And we believe that the only thing we can say without a doubt is that it will generate quite a stir.

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