On the theory of evolution
2008/05/10 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

It is not a joke, but a clear example of tendency. In the United States there is more and more force in thinking contrary to the theory of evolution, and, of course, in Europe it is also expanding. But scientists do not give in and continue to work to respond with evidence and evidence to the followers of J ainkoa and Bible.
For example, one of the arguments used by believers against the theory of evolution is precisely that: only a theory of a. According to them, theories are things that have no solid foundation. However, for scientists, the idea of evolution is not an opinion or a hypothesis, it is a theory. In addition to theory, it is a fact, a fact.
Gravity is also a theory and a fact. The facts are data of the environment, while the theories are structures that explain and interpret the facts. Even when theories are overturned, the facts do not change. In theory of gravity, Einstein's work was part of Newton, but yet the apple fell to the ground as before. That is a fact.
The facts are not, however, undeniable. Scientists do not deny the possibility that one day the apple will not fall to the ground but can ascend. But, according to the theory, they foresee that it falls to the ground and, for the moment, so it happens.
And it is that theories are not just speculations. In science, to be theory, ideas must be based on evidence, develop with clear reasoning, experiment with rigor and independence and be useful to make forecasts.
Thus, scientists have numerous direct evidences of the evolution that have been observed and tested both in nature and in the laboratory. For example, they have shown in many ways that the fruit fly changes from generation to generation through artificial selection. In nature is known the case of British dicks.
This species of chickens was whitish, so the chickens did not stand out when they were placed on the trunks of the surrounding trees, whose surface was clear. However, when the industry developed, the smoke coming out of the chimneys obscured the trunks and predators easily saw the white sits. But at random there was also some dark sits. Before, when the trunks were lights, the mutant sits did not have much chance of lasting, but at that time they were invisible to predators, so they multiplied more than whites. In time all the sits were black.
Creationists or those who deny evolution will see God's hand behind this change, but scientists do not need God to explain what happened. It is not a miracle, but a clear example that the theory of evolution is certain.
Fossils and DNA

Other changes are not directly observable, since the time when these changes occur is too high. They must be deduced from existing data, as in many other fields of science, such as geology, cosmology, or human history. And to explain evolution, fossils have a huge value. In fact, the fossil record allows to observe that at certain times new species have been created, while the changes retain structures of previous species.
For example, in human evolution, from the ancient man Australopithecus afarensis to the current species Homo sapiens, an evolution is observed in the fossil record. In this evolution there are gaps and jumps, but it is evident that over time the characteristics are changing, from ape to manure to people of today: attitude increasingly erect, shorter arms, bigger skull, brows and smaller jaws...
An argument used by the opponents of evolution has to do with it. They ask: if man comes from the monkey, why are there still monkeys today? However, the creation of new species does not necessarily mean the loss of previous species, they are only lost if they are not able to adapt to the environment. In addition, scientists do not say that man comes from the monkey, but have the same ancestor.
In addition to terrestrial layers, scientists have found evolutionary evidence in the heart of cells. In fact, all living things are based on DNA; a bacterium, the simplest yeast, the worm dragged on the ground, sunflower, a gum and a person have the same genetic code. Hence it follows that all living beings have the same origin.
However, unlike believers, scientists still do not have all the answers. They do not question their own evolution, but still do not have clear how it occurs, so they continue to investigate the mechanisms and processes of evolution. Looking for answers.
Published in Gara

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