
The sun in three dimensions

2007/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The sun in three dimensions
01/06/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: ANDÉN)

For the first time they have received three-dimensional images of the Sun. The images were taken together through the NASA STEREO observatory. Experts say they will help to better understand the physics of the Sun and, in passing, predict solar storms.

Solar storms are ion flows that occasionally leave the Sun and can damage satellites, radiocommunication, and the electric grid when they reach Earth. Therefore, it is important that the prediction of solar storms is as accurate as possible. These three-dimensional images will help them, they will know exactly where the ionic eruptions occur, and thus the meteorological forecasts of space can predict which direction they will follow.

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