The ENEDI group of the UPV/EHU has presented the Ilargi project at the EDULEARN congress
2024/07/04 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)
In this project, students and researchers from ENEDI have analyzed the energy efficiency of their center.

The researcher of the research group ENEDI of the University of the Basque Country, Ana Picallo, has presented the “Ilargi Project”, developed with Elhuyar, through an online chat held in Mallorca in the year 16. Edulearn at the congress. From 1 to 3 July, in person and online, more than 800 education professionals from 80 countries have gathered. In the Ilargi project, students, together with researchers from the research group ENEDI of the University of the Basque Country, have actively and collaboratively analyzed the energy efficiency of their centers.
“Bridge the gap between Secondary Education and University Technical Studies. Under the title “Case Study of a School of the Basque Country”, Ana Picallo has revealed her experience at the Ikastola de Deusto. The objective of the Ilargi project is to strengthen ties between Secondary Education and university studies, promoting scientific vocations among the youngest and with special emphasis on the female gender.
In addition, he added that, despite the professional need, fewer and fewer young people are enrolled in engineering and that the gender gap remains significant. As he explained, the absence of female referents in these areas may influence the evolution of male violence. Therefore, this type of project aims to bring young people closer to topics such as science, technology, engineering or mathematics. In Secondary Education, the relationship of students with these areas is fundamental for the choice of future studies.
The main actions carried out in the Ilargi project were as follows:
- To analyse the current state of energy consumption in schools, as well as projects related to STEM vocations.
- Design and implementation of briefings in schools to motivate energy saving.
- Experimental application of practical tests in situ in school building. Thus:
- Visit to thermal facilities and component analysis.
- Calculation of room leaks using closed door tests.
- Thermographic tests of analysis of thermal bridges and temperature distribution.
- Collective proposal of students for the development of projects to improve school energy efficiency.
- Visit to LBQC to bring us closer to the professional work of energy use in construction.
- Design and implementation of a talk for students.
The profile of the Ilargi project is set out in the Elhuyar Sustainability Studies brochure to inspire young people, along with other projects.

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