Artificial ecosystem in space
2001/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Among other projects, the European Space Agency has the MELISSA project. The aim of this project is to create a system that allows the creation of an artificial ecosystem from human feces. In this way, astronauts will enjoy a small orchard so many kilometers from their home.

This system can be used on long-lasting flights, in which nothing will be expelled into space, not even the passenger port of the spacecraft. Christopher Lasseur, a member of the team that is developing the project, explained the system mechanism.
The system in preparation consists of five parts. Each section is independent, but they are connected online. In the first three sections, microorganisms are used for the fermentation of the residues and the progressive decomposition of the feces.
The fourth part will be the orchard, where algae or plants will be planted to produce food, oxygen and water. The fifth chapter will be the residence of astronauts. The first trials will be carried out with rats and, if everything goes well, the turn of humans will come.

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