Elhuyar will be at BEC’s Christmas Playground for the first time offering scientific and technological activities
2024/12/13 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)
Elhuyar will have a space called “STEAM Space” in which workshops, venues and shows for children and youth will be held.
The main objective of these workshops is to foster interest in science and technology through dynamic and practical experiences. They also empower skills like critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving and teamwork.
In addition to the workshops, there will be gincanas and shows. For the workshops, workshops will be held on Biopolymers, Microscale Nature, Light and Holograms, Minirobot Racing, Landing Structures, Thermopolymers and NFC Tags. In STEAM Ginkanas, participants will have to overcome all kinds of scientific and technological challenges. Finally, there will be three shows for all ages: Vacuum pump, Electricity and spectacular chemistry.
All workshops and shows will be led by female researchers, women who represent the future of science and technology. Benchmarks are essential to inspire new generations and promote interest in STEM disciplines. The participation of women scientists, in addition to breaking gender stereotypes, gives participants a close and realistic picture of what it means to work in the STEM.
Ginkana of the physics of PIN attractions
Through the “Action Bound” mobile app, ESO’s youth will be able to participate in the Ginkana on the attractions of the Christmas Playground. To do so, they will have to scan the QR codes that will be installed in the attractions and answer the question. If we complete the ginkana, you will get an Express Pass for the XXS 360 attraction.
Bizilabe, research centres for young people
These workshops are part of the Bizilabe leisure offer in Elhuyar. Bizilabe is composed of 8 research centres aimed at young people between the ages of 10 and 16, based in Bilbao, Elgoibar, Laudio and Abanto-Zierbena. It aims to awaken interest in science and technology at an early age, and more than 200 young people register each year. It is a project carried out with the support of the Basque Government and the collaboration of local municipalities (City Council of Bilbao, City Council of Elgoibar, Town Hall of Llodio and City Hall of Abanto-Zierbena).

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia