
No rings on Saturn

1996/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Every fifteen years, by changing the relative position of Saturn, it seems that Saturn loses its rings one by one.

Until next February they will be able to see the phenomenon that can be seen in the attached image. The fortnightly process makes the relative position of Saturn change with respect to our eyes. Thus, it seems that Saturn loses its rings one by one, and in the end the planet will appear naked. The process that has been observed using the Hubble telescope began in May last year and, according to astronomers, will end on February 16.

During those days, astronomers will have to do a lot of Ian. Among other things, many data on the materials that form the Saturn ring and its dynamics can be analyzed during the process, and it is possible that a new satellite can be found in the dust released by the rings. They will have to be attentive, since if they lose this opportunity they will have to wait fifteen years to see Saturn again naked.

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