
... and crocodiles about to disappear?

1996/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At least a group of Colombian and Venezuelan biologists warn that it is possible. In fact, the latest data confirm that the crocodile population of the Orino River has decreased considerably and may be in danger of extinction. It seems that the main cause of this new massacre is unmeasured hunting.

The last "census" on the crocodile population of Crocodylus intermedius or Orinoko was formed 20 years ago. Although in 1976, 280 specimens of crocodiles were found, according to data from this year the population has already reached half. According to biologists, this data will take about a year to complete and draw conclusions.

For the moment, what has been clearly explained is that the protection programmes should be implemented immediately if it is to ensure the continuity of the Orinoko crocodile. If not done so, say the members of the research team, the beautiful reptile that dominated the river until 1930 will be the mythical protagonist of legends for the next generations.

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