
Future space launchers

1995/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The NASA organization has rejected traditional forms of production and has begun to order commissioned work. The news has been especially interesting for American companies working in the field of aeronautics, to which a multi-million dollar project has been made available.

A future model is already being prepared to replace the space launchers used today, known as RLV. The collaboration between NASA and industry will materialize in the promotion of new technologies and will be decided in 1999 if the project can prosper.

Building an RLV or a reusable space car will cost a lot. The NASA and US Defense Commission may use a $100 million budget to create the X-33 model to be used for testing this year.

In the new space launcher there is great hope. The main objective is to reduce transport costs and a number of prerequisites have been established. The new launcher will be able to move without driver and, in case of meeting the expected, will have a transport capacity of approximately 2 tons.

Collaboration between NASA and companies in the sector is not a question this morning. On this occasion, however, it has been highlighted that the task of creating prototypes offers new job opportunities. In any case, there is also fear of the new challenge. The cost of research and economic development of the project, which will depend on the decision taken by the representatives of Congress in 1999. According to the researchers, it can be a project condemned to die from its foundation.

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