For Basque scientific knowledge
1994/01/01 Martinez Lizarduikoa, Alfontso Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
If we take into account that the Basque human being is only the direct consequence of a group of Cromagnon isolated in the Pyrenees, we must recognize that we have a precious bixi of paleoanthropology. How did he see and analyze the everyday relationships of this race with nature? What kind of cosmological systems did you create to round off your knowledge? What kind of technology and science did you produce? How did that race perceive the outer universe?
We are aware of the differences that our country has with respect to other peoples of our environment, without being wise or researchers. Apart from our genetic heritage, cultural differences are absolutely surprising. The language is the first because of its unique structure and its lack of relationship with other languages in the surrounding area.

But apart from these differences, I would now like to explain a couple of words of deeper characteristics. How has space, time, matter, form, smells, sounds or colors been discovered throughout history? All of this we have without researching, and all of this is based on the fundamental difference of a society with respect to the Peoples of its environment, in order to then be able to interpret the world in a completely different way. This scientific and philosophical analysis is not done, but it is absolutely necessary to regain our own identity.
In the case of colors, for example, the human brain can detect 250 shades of different colors and almost 5 million shades between these colors. The amount of information that comes from outside makes our brain choose only a few elements to process them. What is the method of choosing some elements and comparing others? It seems that the first filter is in genetic conditions, the second in environmental conditions, the third in historical conditions and the last in cultural conditions. These four filters delimit our image of the universe. There is therefore no objective reality, but different ways of interpreting external nature. This is nice! News
The spectrum of colors, for example, is not perceived through a universally valid objective law, but through a law transmitted through culture (through language). Inuit (Eskimo), for example, distinguish in color that for us 15 different shades which are reflected in their language are white. In Euskal Herria, it seems that at one time, the spectrum was divided into three basic colours: red, yellow and blue. Green, orange and purple have been colors from outside other cultures, which in the end have totally shaped our perception and eliminated the basic structure we had. The same can be said about spaces, times, numbers and other categories.
The basic parameters of our culture have been preserved and preserved until recently (in part) in the rural world, while the cities were completely polluted. But today, with the colonization of television and the “more medien”, the cultural particularity that came from the time of Cromagnon is about to disappear also in the hamlets. Our culture is modernizing and will certainly have to adapt to different ways of life. But it is also true that we must take care of our cultural heritage and our particular vision of the world to which it belongs, if we do not want to disappear from the history of human beings and society.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia