The brain, at the head of a computer system
1989/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Doctor Meagher, for a degenerative disease that eight years ago was completely disabled. This person has been the first to have connected to a computer system. This man cannot move any organ of his body, but he has complete brain capacity. However, since this computer system is implanted in your home, this man can turn on the coffee maker, stereo equipment or television, dial a phone number or up and down blinds. But how?

Looking at a computer monitor. The monitor is divided into 64 combos in which the letters and basic programming instructions appear. The system works as follows: the patient looks at the errekoadro monitor where there is the word he wants. The eyes receive the luminosity of the cosine and send it to the brain. Here a wave is created that is collected by electrodes that have been inserted into the neck. An amplifier sends the wave to the computer once amplified and the computer displays the word written on a monitor or fulfills the order that has been sent to it.
This system has been devised by physicist Erich Sutter and can be very successful in the world of the disabled.

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