Exploring the mysteries of the brain
2024/12/01 Torres Aleman, Ignacio - Achucarroko zuzendari zientifikoa | Alberdi Alfonso, Elena - Achucarroko zuzendariorde zientifikoa | Carreiras Valiña, Manuel - BCBLko zuzendari zientifikoa, Ikerbasque ikerlaria eta “Hizkuntzaren neurobiologia” ikertaldeko burua Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Knowing how the brain works is one of the great challenges of today's science. In the Basque Country, the Centro Vasco de Neurociencia Achucarro and the BCBL are two of the main centers that work to respond to this challenge, each with their vision and tools.
In particular, Achucarron focuses on three main areas: the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in brain development and the major diseases of the nervous system, the circuits involved in cognitive and affective processes and the results obtained in their transfer to the clinic.
The main challenge of the BCBL Research Center has been, from the beginning, to understand all forms of the neurocognitive mechanism that support language processing: reading, speech perception and linguistic production.
The heads of both centres have produced an analysis of their challenges, the progress they have made and those that are yet to be explored.
Ignacio Torres Aleman and Elena Alberdi Alfonso
Trying to understand how the human brain works to cure pathologies
Manuel Carreiras Valiña
Looking for connections between the brain and language

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia