
Is the life of today yesterday?

1991/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Older people often go often to talk about things that have happened and it is more difficult to remember things that have happened recently.

The researchers have analyzed this problem and have drawn some conclusions.

Older people often turn to talk about things that have happened and, however, remember more easily what happened recently.

This argument is very common in society. But to what extent is it true?

Researchers at the University of Leeds, Carol Holland, and the University of Manchester, Patrick Rabbit, have analyzed this problem and have drawn some conclusions. According to them, in general, those who have lost their independence prefer to talk about the events that have happened, because what they have lived has not been happy.

The researchers formed two groups of volunteers for the trial. The members of a group lived in nursing homes and the others lived alone. According to the conclusions of Holland and Rabbit, while those of the first group spoke of past things, those of the second talked more about what they had just lived.

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