
Hungry refrigerators back home

2002/09/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

The seven semi-dead coolers of some fishermen are already on the Arctic road.

The boats arrived semi-dead to the fishing boats and survived thanks to the fishermen. As they land, the animals were taken to a recovery center and are now willing to return to their hometown.

Snow Ounce (Nyctea scandiaca) is a breeding that inhabits areas close to the Arctic. His nomadic life leads him to spend most of the year behind his main food, leming. The fluctuations of the population of Leming have great influence on ships,
when there is shortage of etaleming head south in search of more food.

Experts believe that they would be lost looking for new places to find food and that a strong wind stream would send them to the sea. Now, although they are willing to return to the Arctic, experts consider that they not only have the capacity to survive, but will place it in large cages in the nature reserves.

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