
It is confirmed that there is a black hole in the center of our galaxy

2002/10/17 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

It has long been thought that the Milky Way, like other galaxies, has a large black hole in its center. But since it is not possible to see black holes, so far it has not been shown. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics have discovered a star orbiting the center of the galaxy and tracking it for the past 10 years. With the data collected it has been verified the existence of a black hole.

The Schödel team has followed the S2 star movement since 1992. The star revolves around the center of the galaxy and during that time researchers have discovered that it has accomplished two-thirds of its orbit. This is not ordinary, the rotation movements of the stars are usually much slower – he thinks the Sun takes 230 million years to go around our galaxy – and the life of a person is not enough to collect the data that the Schödel team has been able to obtain. But they have seen that the star S2 has an orbit of 15 years, which has allowed to show that in the center of our galaxy there is a large mass black hole.

The star forms an elliptical orbit around the Sagitarius A* object. And this orbit coincides with the theory that Sagitarius A* is a small object with a mass 2.5 million times greater than the Sun, that is, that Sagitarius A* is a black hole. Other theories, such as those that claim that in that place there are neutron stars, do not serve to explain the orbit of the star.

Like the M109 in the image, the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Astronomers believe that in the center of all galaxies there are black holes.

Radio waves and high-intensity X-rays have been received so far from Sagitarius A*. These two phenomena are related to black holes, so many positively valued the black hole hypothesis. Now, what was published today in Nature by researchers from the Max Planck Institute has served to give a definitive impetus to the hypothesis.

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