
The mystery of the stone drawings

2003/01/21 Elhuyar Zientzia

In the cold and alpine areas of the north appear on the ground spectacular stone figures: labyrinths, perfect circles, networks of polygons, rows... Why or why have these singular formations emerged?

Scientists have long ago discarded possible interventions of elves or aliens and have been analyzed from the geological point of view. It has sought an adequate explanation for each type of training, and now two North American geologists have developed a numerical model that integrates all explanations.

This model allows to know the importance of the mechanisms and agents involved in the creation of the formations. In addition, they are able to explain why sometimes images of one type and another are created.

It seems that the movements that occur during freezing and soil fusion separate and order the stones. Depending on the slope and the concentration of stones on the ground, the stones are organized in one way or another, giving rise to islands, fringes, labyrinths and other formations that surprise us so much. Let a drop of icy water have that capacity!

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