A Chinese fossil provides keys to better understand the origin of birds
2023/09/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The evolution of bird ancestors is quite unknown due to their low fossil content. The oldest are those of the genus Archaeopteryx, of late jurassic origin, with characteristics of teratopod dinosaurs and birds. Now another species has been found that combines the characteristics of birds with dinosaurs, southeast of China, called Fujianvenator prodigiosus.
This Chinese region is very rich in fossils from the late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. They are known as the fauna of Zengh and emerged in a special geological era. In fact, 148-150 million years ago, the area was subjected to intense tectonic activity, as a result of the subduction of the paleopacific plate, conditions in which many fossilized species, most, aquatic and semi-aquatic vertebrates, remained. Among them is Fujianvenator prodigiosus.
The detail has been given in the journal Nature. They explain that one of the most peculiar characteristics is the length of the tibia, which is twice as long as the femur. So it can be a fast runner or a limp living in the marsh. It is estimated that he would weigh 641 grams and had his arms covered in pen. They don't think it was herbivore.
Researchers have come to the conclusion that it was a direct ancestor of birds, derived from the teratopods at the end of the Jurassic. They also state that they will continue to investigate the fauna of Zengh in the hope of obtaining valuable information.

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