World Wetlands Day
2001/02/02 Elhuyar Zientzia

Today, February 2, the 30th anniversary of the agreement on wetlands is celebrated on World Wetlands Day. It is therefore not a bad excuse to know a little more about wetlands.
The first work is to define what wetlands are, since due to their diffuse morphological characteristics and changing character, the search for an adequate definition is not easy. Some scientists have given wetlands a curious definition, as they have proposed to say that they are aspects that serve to wet feet but do not serve to swim. And they are not mistaken, since the definition includes the main characteristics of wetlands: the presence of water and its scarce depth. It does not serve all types of wetlands, but is quite general. Defined more scientifically, wetlands are natural systems conditioned by the interaction between the aquatic and terrestrial environment.
In general, these are areas of great ecological importance and conservation. Although they have been declared defenseless and unhealthy for a long time, they are regions of great natural wealth and are indicators of ecological environmental health. In recent years, their space is being recovered and fortunately, less and less contaminated wetlands like that of the image.

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