
Language is organized in the brain according to universal standards

2015/12/02 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Analyzing the brains of people who speak Chinese, Hebrew, English and Castilian, they have shown that, by understanding written and oral language, the same areas of the brain are used in all languages. This is an international research in which Kepa Paz-Alonso from the BCBL (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language) participated.

To understand languages the same neural circuits are used in all languages, both written and verbally. Ed. Woodleywonderworks

According to the researchers, the four languages analyzed are very different from each other: unlike English and Hebrew, it is read as Spanish is written, and Chinese has logographic alphabet, that is, each symbol represents a word. However, the brain uses the same neural circuits to understand the planes.

In addition, this universal standard is produced with written and oral phrases, which researchers have also highlighted, since they have the same influence on the brain, although they are collected with different senses (we read with the eyes and listen with the ears).

The researchers have also explained the reason. Apparently, when children are young, the structures and connections that the brain needs to understand what is heard develop; later on, the process of learning to read is done about those structures. This explains why the same spaces are activated, having the desired processes.

To reach this conclusion, we analyzed the brains of 84 volunteers, 21 per language, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and published the results in the journal PNAS.