
The two faces of the leaves

2001/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The leaves of the plants have two faces and, although it often seems a lie, their structures are completely different. Recently, biologists at the University of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have identified the genes that determine these differences. Those in Pennsylvania have identified the gene that takes care of the bottom of the leaves and have called it CANADI.

For their part, Wisconsin biologists have discovered the PHABULOSA gene, responsible for the surface of the leaves. The differences between structures depend, in general, on the function of each of the parties. For example, photosynthesis occurs mainly in the top of the leaf, so in this area there are numerous cylindrical cells that contain chloroplasts. The lower part, however, is full of pores, since it is responsible for the exchange of gas and water with the environment.

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