
Identification, research key

1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Scientists at the University of Georgia are working on creating "gene cards" that classify the genetic information of bacteria and, apparently, are quite close to this goal.

If a complete separation of all bacteria was achieved, the pathway against certain diseases would be easier. However, the identification of bacteria is more complicated than expected. Aware of this drawback, scientists at the University of Georgia are working on creating "gene cards" that classify the genetic information of bacteria and, therefore, are quite close to this goal. In order to distinguish all the characteristics of bacteria, scientists had to get a way to investigate their environment without manipulating it. The way chosen by this group is to use the chain reaction from polymers.

The study of each bacterium by this system allows differentiating the genes of the cells and therefore controlling the genetic information. The results of these investigations can then be used in a multitude of tasks. Among other things, it will allow understanding the development of certain pollution processes. Since the passage from understanding to manipulation is very small, scientists who have known this research project have been hopeful. The future will tell us.

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