
The hidden side of the Moon

1995/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Clementine probe surprises its lovers. They have managed to capture in a concrete map the hidden side of the moon that has given rise to the most fascinating episodes of literature and science fiction. Clementine probe sent from the USA has already sent his communication to NASA. But the biggest surprise has been taken by researchers who have analyzed the data sent by Clementine: On the hidden side of the Moon they have discovered the largest and deepest volcano ever found in the Solar System. With a circumference of 2,500 kilometers in diameter and a depth of 13 kilometers, it is the great secret that the Moon has kept to date.

On the hidden side of the Moon they have discovered the largest and deepest volcano ever found in the Solar System. It has a circumference of 2,500 kilometers in diameter and a depth of 13 kilometers.

Since Spring of last year, Clementin made a 70-day visit to the Moon and just published the news. NASA researchers claim that the data collected and released by Clementine is the most complete, despite the sending of many other probes. Among other things, it has been shown that the biggest difference of altitude in the Moon is 16 kilometers, correcting the data sent by Apollo about 20 years ago that indicated an altitude difference of 11 or 12 kilometers.

According to NASA researchers, the volcano was formed 4.3 billion years ago, named South Pole Aitken Crater. It is believed that the new discovery and the holes they have discovered around them are the result of a huge impact. His research, however, will be prolonged, as it is very varied and varied. Iron and magnesium have been found at the top of the volcano in large quantities, in proportions that until now were not known on the Moon.

Many theories about the formation of the Moon must be abandoned by new discoveries. There is no doubt that the hidden side of the Moon will remain fascinating.

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