
Insulin as a diabetic agent

2005/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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The same insulin is probably the leading cause of the disease in type 1 diabetes. In this type of diabetes, T cells reproduce enormously in the lymph nodes of the pancreas and destroy insulin-producing cells. Well, these T cells are reproduced by detecting insulin.

In the United States, two investigations related to this news have been published. Isolation of T cells from the lymph nodes of the Boston diabetic and non-diabetic pancreas. And they have seen that by adding insulin to the T cells of diabetics they multiplied, but those that were not.

On the other hand, they have worked with the Denver mice: A variety of mouse that tends to develop type 1 diabetes has been inactivated by the insulin gene. Mice were provided with another blood sugar level regulation protein, a variety of insulin. Because T cells did not multiply and mice did not develop diabetes.