New solutions for new applications
2023/02/20 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Current new applications, such as 5g, 6g and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, require high-gain and bandwidth antennas. In a recent presentation of a thesis at the Public University of Navarra a first step has been taken to meet the needs of these standards and a series of devices have been proposed to provide solutions.
Specifically, this research has studied circular polarization systems with very high bandwidth, metal surfaces and metals based on classical geometries. Basically, a Turkish antenna illuminates metals through Gap Waveguide (GW) technology, based on two conductive planes that do not need physical contact with each other. Both metallic and GW antennas have been shown to achieve excellent results when combined.
The thesis, by Dayan Pérez Quintana, has deepened the manufacturing and measurement process of these devices. It also features a metallized silicon based metallurgy at 300 GHz and micromachining. According to him, this design using GW technology at these frequencies is pioneering in its field. He has previously received several awards for his research.

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