
Tecnalia creates material for immobilizing victims of accidents

2013/03/07 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Varstiff material can be placed anywhere on the body with the soft one and when making the vacuum stays as hard as the plaster. - Ed. Tecnalia

Tecnalia has created the Varstiff material, a soft material that can adopt different shapes and becomes rigid in vacuum until the hardness of a conventional plastic is reached. The material returns to the flexible state when the vacuum is removed. The first product to use the Varstiff material will be a tool to immobilize victims of accidents in an emergency.

The new material allows immobilizing parts of the body, such as neck, back and chest, in case of accident, without moving the body. The material adapts to any part of the body and any situation. It is placed in a soft and flexible position and then when making the vacuum becomes as rigid as the plaster.

This material may have applications in other areas of health such as orthopedics. And also in automotive, leisure and sport to ensure the safety and comfort of users.

A new technology-based company will be created to facilitate its marketing. Initially, this company will operate in the healthcare sector, but the forecast is to extend its activity to other sectors such as automotive or leisure. The new company is expected to be operational by the end of 2013 and to market its first product in early 2014.Source:

Basque Research

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