Marine fennel
1995/10/01 Terés, Joxepo Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
It must be said that the family of this species is well represented in the different habitats and we will easily differentiate it from the rest of the families thanks to its group of flowers gymbailadas. Within this family more than 50 genera are mentioned in Europe, most of which are in the Basque Country.
On the other hand, the marine fennel under study is the only representative of the genus Crithmum. The narrow, fleshy leaves of this species will allow us to quickly differentiate ourselves from family members. In general, this plant is very branched, can reach 50 cm in height and is sustainable. The flowers, green-horiscas, small (2 mm) and very numerous are collected in the form of gymbailes (3-6 cm) and appear between July and October. The adult fruits are brown green.
The name of the plant indicates that it is a coastal plant and so it is, since it only extends in the different habitats of the marine environment, especially in the cliffs and slopes, although they can also be found in the last remaining dunes.
Although its distribution is limited, it must be said that it is quite normal and spreads evenly on our coast. Being very close to the action of the swell, they say that the taste of the leaves is salty and consumed as salad. Due to the materials and properties of the plant, sailors took it to combat scurvy.
Family: Unbelfera |
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