
When the stars turn off

1995/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The photo of the image is the witness of the last trace of the star, similar to the Sun, "The eye of the cat".

The next figure is a sun-like star. More specifically, the last footprint of the star. In fact, we can say that he has already made those of that star called NGC 6543 or “The eye of the cat”. Star of the Dragon constellation and the Hubble Telescope has sent the news of his death. As the star loses its energy, it swells and destabilizes. As a result, the mass of the star begins to decrease and expel to all sides the gas burned by the core of the star. The gas releases energy and hence the colorful rings that appear around the star.

At the moment, the death of the star “The eye of the cat” will only allow you to enjoy a spectacular process. However, this will have enormous scientific value as it will serve to analyze the evolution of simple stars. Their knowledge will allow, among other things, to better understand the process that will suffer when the Sun goes down. Of course, it will not happen tomorrow, but within 5 or 6 billion years. We will not be able to see it, but astronomers believe we will be foreseeable.

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