
AZTI-Tecnalia studies which are the most suitable places for the recovery of Zostera noltii in the ACBC

2010/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

AZTI-Tecnalia studies the most suitable places for the recovery of Zostera noltii in the CAPV
01/06/2010 | Elhuyar
(Photo: AZTI-Tecnalia)

Butroe, Oria and Urola are the most successful estuaries for hosting Zostera noltii

Analyzing the CAPV estuaries, AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a methodology to properly select the most suitable areas for the planting of marine grass of Zostera noltii. At present, Zostera noltii is the only plant that forms marine meadows in the CAPV, and only three of the twelve estuaries existing in the CAPV have populations: Okan, Lean and Bidasoa.

Apart from these three estuaries, AZTI-Tecnalia concludes that Butroe is the most successful estuary to host Zostera noltii, followed by Oria and Urola.

The Zostera noltii fanerogamo plays an important role in the underwater media, as it stabilizes sediments and is a primary producer. In addition, its dense formations, or meadows, constitute one of the most productive marine ecosystems, since they are an indirect source of food, shelter or breeding area for many living beings, with an active participation in the food cycle.

XX. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the area occupied by various marine fanerogams worldwide has drastically descended, and scientists have launched numerous projects to restore marine meadows. One of the possibilities of recovery of this type of meadows is the revegetation of adult plants, and the methodology developed by AZTI-Tecnalia will serve to select the most suitable places for it. In fact, it is considered fundamental that the selection is done correctly so that this type of actions are successful.

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