Sustainability Iceberg
2024/02/21 Elhuyar

The economy is not an activity exclusively related to gross domestic product and financial markets. The economy is a way to distribute the resources and the work to be done to live, always seeking the welfare of society. And it doesn't seem that the current model is sustainable if capitalism doesn't include in the equation all the surveillance work that sustains productivity and financial markets.
The productivity sustainability iceberg shows that it makes most of life's basic processes invisible as if they were secondary.
If we do not question the economic system that has led to this consumption model, we will hardly get out of the problem. Sustainability involves the construction of an economic system that takes the surface of all the works that sustain life and considers them.
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This project, promoted by Elhuyar, is supported by the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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