
John Glenn Space Mission Results

2000/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The mission that brought Senator John Glenn into space again in October 1998 is already offering his results.

The space launcher Discovery conducted a series of medical, agricultural and industrial experiments, many of which have served for new discoveries or to develop new technologies. In the medical field, new technologies have been developed mainly for the healing of serious diseases. John Glenn tried new microcapsules to cure tumors. These microcapsules are injected directly into the arteries leading to the tumor and thus have a more direct effect. In another experiment, they developed innovative cell distribution technologies that will serve to create hemoglobin products. This will prevent the need to renew the blood of patients by transfusion. In another experiment, high quality insulin crystals were growing and received abundant information that will help develop new treatments to cure diabetes.

This type of microgravity experiments were financed by private companies thanks to a new NASA initiative. With this initiative the space agency wants to make known the industrial utility of space experiments

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