Revival of concern over the Vizcaine influenza outbreak in Visons
2023/01/27 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Eurosurveillance magazine publishes the results of the investigation of a hearing in October 2022 in a Galician vison nursery. In the culture, the visons began to show symptoms of pneumology that soon led to death. It was originally thought to be due to SARSC oV2, but the tests were negative. The next suspect was the influenza virus, which took place on the beaches close to some gulls that had appeared dead, affected by the flu. The tests confirmed the suspicion. The workers, for their part, gave negative. The article now published gathers the results of epidemiological, clinical and genetic research, as well as the possible consequences for public health.
Researchers have determined that a highly pathogenic strain of influenza A(H5N1) was the cause of the vison outbreak. This virus is causing terrible damage to birds throughout Europe. It is not easily transmitted to mammals and, in cases where humans have managed to pollute, it has always been from bird to man. Then it has not been passed on from the human being to the human being. The manifestation described in the article is therefore special, since this strain has not only leaked to mammals, but has been able to transmit among them.
In fact, the latter has been particularly highlighted by the experts. In fact, wild birds are now likely to present a strain capable of doing so and transmit it to other farms. This would make it easier to keep moving.
The article warns that both experimentally and in the field it has been shown that visons are contaminated with both avian and human influenza A. There is a risk, therefore, of mixing the two in visons and creating a strain capable of transmitting between birds, mammals and humans. With this in mind, they consider it essential that measures be taken to prevent the mink from becoming infected with these viruses.
In this sense, many experts have pointed out that this appearance has reminded that the most appropriate preventive strategy is Single Health.

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