
Kite explosion

2001/05/22 Elhuyar Zientzia

Last year a comet called LINEAR, comet C/1999 S4, broke out. Another comet first seen in New Mexico on January 3 also explodes with the LINEAR telescope this year. This new LINEAR is called C/2001 A2 and is shown in the image. At the time of the explosion, the brightness of the new comet increased so much that it could be seen at a glance. According to the latest observations, one in two nuclei originated from the explosion has exploded again. The first stretch that separated is that of the upper left, while that of the right appears stretched by the second explosion.

When the nucleus of a comet is distributed, the new skin is exposed and the ice and gas it had previously trapped evaporates. As a result, it emits a great shine. This comet can be seen at a glance or thanks to any simple optical device in early June.

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